PCRM 7.5%, PN 14.6%, PSRM 21.2%, PDM 7.6%, PL 5.8%, PAS 8.9%, PLDM 3.3%, PPEM 6.8%, PPDA 15.9%
Vote estimation (%)
(Raw data in brackets; undecided + abst. = 15.7%)
7.5 |
14.6 |
21.2 |
7.6 |
5.8 |
8.9 |
3.3 |
6.8 |
15.9 |
8.4 |
PCRM | PN | PSRM | PDM | PL | PAS | PPEM | PPDA | Others |
30/11/14 election
17.5 | 20.5 | 15.8 | 9.7 | 20.2 | 16.3 |
PCRM | PSRM | PDM | PL | PLDM | Others |
Area: Moldova
Sample size: 1189
Sampling error: ±2.8%
Method: ?
Fieldwork date: 1-10 Apr. 2016
Pollster: Moldovan Association of Sociologists and Demographers (ASDM)
Client: -
Source | Parties