ICELAND, October 2016. University of Iceland poll

V 16.5%, S 6.3%, Þ 19.8%, A 4.1%, C 11.7%, B 9.7%, D 26%

vote (%)

▼ University of Iceand 05/10/16
V S Þ A C B D Others
16.5 6.3 19.8 4.1 11.7 9.7 26 5.9
10.9 12.9 5.1 8.2 24.4 26.7 11.8
V S Þ A B D Others
▲ 27/04/13 election

Area: Iceland
Sample size: 977
Sampling error: ±2.8%
Method: Tel., online
Fieldwork date: 23 Sep.-5 Oct. 2016
Pollster: University of Iceland
Client: Morgunblaðið

Source | Parties
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