THE NETHERLANDS, December 2016. TNS poll (2)

SP 13, PvdD 4, GL 13, PvdA 11, 50PLUS 13, D66 13, VVD 23, CDA 13, CU 8, SGP 3, PVV 36



TNS 19/12/16 12/09/12 election
13 4 13 11 13 13 23 13 8 3 36
15 2 4 38 2 12 41 13 5 3 15

Area: The Netherlands
Sample size: 999
Sampling error: ±3.1%
Method: Online
Fieldwork date: 15-19 Dec. 2016
Pollster: TNS Nipo
Client: -

Source | Parties
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