DENMARK ▪ Norstat poll for Altinget ▪ March 2018

Poll results: Ø 9.2% (16), F 5.4% (10), A 25% (44), Å 4.6% (8), B 5.7% (10), K 0.6%, I 4.3% (8), V 19.3% (34), C 4.7% (8), O 18.5% (33), D 2.1% (4)
DENMARK Norstat poll chart for Altinget, March 2018

Latest Norstat poll for Altinget shows a tie between the red and the blue blocks. The Social Democratic Party is on 25%, which is 6 pp lower than last January. On the other hand, liberal Venstre and right-wing Danish People's Party make gains compared with the previous poll. All in all, the red block would have a minimum advantage with 88 seats against blue block's 87.

La última encuesta de Norstat para Altinget arroja un empate entre los bloques rojo y azul. El Partido Socialdemócrata obtiene un 25%, 6 puntos menos que en enero. Por otro lado, el liberal Venstre y el derechista Partido Popular Danés crecen respecto a la anterior encuesta. Con todo, el bloque rojo tendría una mínima ventaja con 88 escaños frente a los 87 del bloque azul.

Source | Parties
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