GERMANY ▪ FGW poll for ZDF ▪ March 2018

Poll results: LINKE 11%, SPD 19%, GRÜNE 12%, FDP 9%, CDU/CSU 32%, AfD 13%
GERMANY FGW poll chart for ZDF, March 2018

The latest poll by Forschungsgruppe Wahlen for ZDF shows that the Social Democratic Party stands on 19%, which is an increase of 2 pp from February. Both the CDU/CSU and Alternative for Germany are down by 1 pp.

La última encuesta de Forschungsgruppe Wahlen para ZDF muestra al Partido Socialdemócrata en el 19%, lo que supone un incremento de 2 puntos respecto a febrero. Tanto la CDU/CSU como Alternativa para Alemania bajan 1 punto.

Source | Parties
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